We love new patients! Welcome to Olympia Neurological Institute! New Patient InformationWhich of our clinics is nearest home?Olympia Neurological Institute - Austin/Cedar ParkOlympia Neurological Institute - TulsaOlympia Neurological Institute - MeekerOlympia Doctors - McAlesterOlympia Neurological Institute - WagonerWhich one of our Doctors or Nurse Practitioners do you need to see?Dr. Baird (Neurosurgery)Dr. Fulp (Pain Management)Dr. Arizaga (Psychiatry)Sheila Leach, PMHNPSavannah Doughty, APRNKatie Pankowsky, ARPNKamille Case, APRNChristine Kidd, APRNVirtual Suboxone CareName First Name Middle Initial Last Name Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY What is your gender? Female Male Other Please upload copy of your driver's license or Photo IDYou may load multiple images by using the Select file button then take a picture from your phone.E-Mail Name of Primary Care Provider Have you been a patient of ours before? Yes No What is the best phone number to reach you?Secondary Phone NumberAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code Preferred Contact Method Text Email Phone Mail May we sent appointment reminders via text and Voice Mail? Yes No Are you a student? Yes No How did you hear about our practice?Google SearchSocial MediaYellow PagesFriend/Family MemberYour PhysicianInsurance CarrierOutside SignageReferring Physician Additional Patient InformationWhat is your Race?American Indian or Alaskan NativeAsianNative Hawaiian or Other PacificAfrican AmericanCaucasianHispanicDecline to AnswerWhat is your Ethnicity? Hispanic Non-Hispanic Preferred Language? English Spanish Other Marital Status Single Married Divorced Widowed Spouse's Name Spouse's First Name Spouse's Last Name What is the name of your preferred pharmacy? Are you currently employed? Yes No Employer InformationName of Employer Employer What is your position? Responsible Party InformationWho is the Responsible Party?SelfSpouseGuardianOtherResponsible Party's Name Responsible Party's First Name Responsible Party's Last Name Responsible Party's Phone NumberIn Case of EmergencyName of Emergency Contact Emergency Contact's First Name Emergency Contact's Last Name PhoneRelationship to Patient Spouse Significant Other Parent Child Co-Worker Other Insurance InformationPlease upload a front and back picture of your primary insurance card (if available)Primary Insurance Carrier Name of Policy Holder Policy Holder's First Name Policy Holder's Last Name Primary Policy Holder's Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Primary Policy Holder's Relationship to Patient Self Spouse Parent Other Primary Policy Contract # Can be found on your insurance cardPrimary Group # Can be found on your insurance cardPlease upload a front and back picture of your secondary insurance card (if available)Secondary Insurance Carrier Name of Secondary Policy Holder Secondary Policy Holder's First Name Secondary Policy Holder's Last Name Secondary Policy Holder's Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Secondary Policy Holder's Relationship to Patient Self Spouse Parent Other Allergy InformationDo you have any allergies (to Medications or Environmental)? Yes No Are you allergic to: Amoxicillin Penicillin Tetracycline Aspirin Sulpha Shell Fish Peanuts Milk Latex Gluten Eggs Pollen Other Allergy DetailsPlease list the allergies you checked, along with the allergic reaction that accompanies. If you selected "other" please include it below and we will add it to our list for future patients. Basic Health HistoryCheck if you have ever experienced any of the following: Anemia Anxiety/Stress Asthma Arthritis Atrial Fibrillation Colitis or Crohn's Disease Cancer Chronic Pain Chronic Kidney Disease Depression Diabetes Emphysema/COPD Gallbladder Disease Gout Headache/Migraine Heart Attack/Heart Failure Heartburn/GERD Check if you have ever experienced any of the following II Heart Murmur Hepatitis High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol HIV/AIDS Irritable Bowel Syndrome Kidney Failure Kidney Stones Obesity Osteoporosis Peripheral Vascular Disease Seizures/Epilepsy Sleep Apnea Stomach Ulcers Stroke Thyroid Disease Check if you've had any of the following tests or procedures Colonoscopy Cholesterol Screening Cardiac Stress Test Bone Density Breast Exam Have you had any recent CT scan(s) or MRI(s)? Yes No Where did you have your CT Scan(s) or MRI(s) performed? Are you vaccinated against Covid-19? Yes No Approximate date of last Tetanus (Td) Vaccination MM slash DD slash YYYY Approximate date of last Pneumonia Vaccination MM slash DD slash YYYY Approximate date of last Hepatitis B Vaccination MM slash DD slash YYYY Approximate date of last Influenza (flu) Vaccination MM slash DD slash YYYY Approximate date of last Shingles Vaccination MM slash DD slash YYYY Please list any additional Vaccinations you have received and the date it was administeredPlease list all surgical procedures you have experienced and the date the operation was performedIs your visit related to an accident? Yes No Date of Accident Type of AccidentJobVehicleOtherBrief description of the accidentAre you represented by an attorney? Yes No Attorney's Name Attorney's First Attorney's Last Attorney's PhoneDo you have any pins/metal plates in your body? Yes No Please describe Pins/Metal PlatesFamily Health HistoryDoes your family have a history of Cancer? Mother Father Maternal Grandparents Paternal Grandparents Brother Sister Additional Family Does your family have a history of Diabetes? Mother Father Maternal Grandparents Paternal Grandparents Brother Sister Additional Family Does your family have a history of Heart Attack? Mother Father Maternal Grandparents Paternal Grandparents Brother Sister Additional Family Does your family have a history of High Blood Pressure? Mother Father Maternal Grandparents Paternal Grandparents Brother Sister Additional Family Does your family have a history of High Cholesterol? Mother Father Maternal Grandparents Paternal Grandparents Brother Sister Additional Family Does your family have a history of Stroke? Mother Father Maternal Grandparents Paternal Grandparents Brother Sister Additional Family If your mother is deceased, please list the primary cause and the age at her time of death. If your father is deceased, please list the primary cause and the age at his time of death. If your sister is deceased, please list the primary cause and the age at her time of death. If your brother is deceased, please list the primary cause and the age at his time of death. OB/GYN HistoryDate of last menstrual period MM slash DD slash YYYY Are you currently on birth control? Yes No Number of PregnanciesPlease enter a number from 0 to 20.Number of Full Term BabiesPlease enter a number from 0 to 20.Number of Premature BabiesPlease enter a number from 0 to 20.Number of Abortions/MiscarriagesPlease enter a number from 0 to 20.Number of Living ChildrenPlease enter a number from 0 to 20.Date started menopause MM slash DD slash YYYY Health Lifestyle SurveyHave you now/have you ever smoked? Yes No How long have you smoked? How many packs per day?Did you quit smoking? Yes No What year did you quit? How many alcoholic beverages do you drink per week?I don't drink at all1-3 drinks4-6 drinks7-9 drinks10+ drinksHow many days per week do you exercise?Please enter a number from 1 to 7.In the last six months have you had a regular problem with pain? Yes No Do you wear glasses/corrective lenses? Yes No Do you wear a hearing aid? Yes No Do you use any of the following equipment?NoneCaneElectric ScooterWalkerWheelchairBi-Pap (sleep apnea)C-Pap (sleep apnea)Do you follow a healthy diet? Always Most of the Time Sometimes Never Please list all prescription medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements you are currently taking.Do you have an advance directive/living will? Yes No If yes, please supply the office with a copy for your chartWould you like one? Yes No Pain Diagram and Pain RatingAre we seeing you for pain? Yes No What is the main type of pain we are seeing you for? Head Pain Chest Pain Upper Back Pain Midsection-Stomach Pain Midsection-Lower Back Pain Right Arm Pain Left Arm Pain Groin/Hip Pain Buttocks Pain Right Upper Leg Pain Left Upper Leg Pain Right Lower Leg/Foot Left Lower Leg/Foot What type(s) of pain are you experiencing? Aching Stabbing Burning Prickling Numbness Cramping Pressing Pounding Do you hurt anywhere else? Yes No Where else are you experiencing pain 2? Head Pain Chest Pain Upper Back Pain Midsection-Stomach Pain Midsection-Lower Back Pain Right Arm Pain Left Arm Pain Groin/Hip Pain Buttocks Pain Right Upper Leg Pain Left Upper Leg Pain Right Lower Leg/Foot Left Lower Leg/Foot What type(s) of pain are you experiencing? (pain 2) Aching Stabbing Burning Prickling Numbness Cramping Pressing Pounding Anywhere else? Yes No Where else are you experiencing pain? Head Pain Chest Pain Upper Back Pain Midsection-Stomach Pain Midsection-Lower Back Pain Right Arm Pain Left Arm Pain Groin/Hip Pain Buttocks Pain Right Upper Leg Pain Left Upper Leg Pain Right Lower Leg/Foot Left Lower Leg/Foot What type(s) of pain are you experiencing? (pain 3) Aching Stabbing Burning Prickling Numbness Cramping Pressing Pounding What is your current Pain Level12345678910What is your worst Pain Level in the past 24 hours?12345678910What is your best Pain Level in the past 24 hours?12345678910Please explain your pain in depth [/et_pb_column] Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Patient Rights